Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
26 Positions of Bikram Yoga
Here are the 26 positions of Bikram Yoga and their benefits:

1. Pranayama - standing deep breathing
2. Ardha Chandrasana with Pada Hastasana - half moon pose
with hands to feet pose
3. Utkatasana - awkward pose (in three parts, see pics below)

5. Dandayamana-Janushirasana - standing head to knee pose

6. Dandayamana-Dhanurasana - standing bow pulling pose
tick pose
9. Trikanasana - triangle pose
11. Tadasana - tree pose
12. Padangustasana - toe stand

16. Bhujangasana - cobra pose
17. Salabhasana - locust pose
19. Dhanurasana - floor bow pose
21. Ardha-Kurmasana - half tortoise pose
23. Sasangasana - rabbit pose

26. Kapalbhati in Vajrasana - blowing in firm pose

- Good for lungs and respiratory system
- Helps with mental relaxation
- Helps high blood pressure
- Relieves irritability
- Good for detoxification
- Exercises nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems
2. Ardha Chandrasana with Pada Hastasana - half moon pose

- Works into the whole skeletal and circulatory systems
- Opens shoulder joints
- Good for frozen shoulder
- Reduces or eliminates pain in the lower back
- Good for abdominal obesity
- Improves and strengthens every muscle in the central part of the body. Increases the flexibility of the spine
- Tones the spinal nerves and abdominal organs improving the working of the bowels
- Increases flexibility and strength of rectus abdominis, gluteus maximus, oblique, deltoid and trapezius muscles
- Helps with sciatic problems
- Alleviates anxiety and reduces mental stress
- Stimulates pituitary gland
- Exercises colon, pancreas, kidneys, muscular, skeletal, respiratory and glandular systems
- Firms and trims waistline, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs
- Stimulates proper function of the pancreas, kidneys and liver
- Stretches and stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands
- Regulates hormone production
- Relieves back pain
- Improves and strengthens every muscle in the central part of the body
- Increases the flexibility of the spine
- Corrects bad posture
- Increases flexibility and strength of rectus abdominis, gluteus maximus, oblique, deltoid and trapezius muscles
- Good for frozen shoulders
- Good for abdominal obesity
- Helps with sciatic problems
- Stimulates digestion
- Firms and trims waistline, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs
- Works into the whole skeletal and circulatory system
- Lengthens the spine making it supple and elastic
- Increases flexibility of the spine and the sciatic nerves
- Improves flexibility of tendons and ligaments of the legs
- Strengthens the biceps of thighs and calves
- Strengthens rectus abdominis, gluteus maximus, oblique, deltoid and trapezius muscles
- Firms and trims waistline, hips, abdomen, buttocks and thighs
- Opens shoulder joints
- Good for frozen shoulders
- Relieves lower back pain
- Good for abdominal obesity
- Greatly enhances concentration
- Helps with sciatic problems
- Stimulates pituitary and pineal glands
- Exercises colon, pancreas, klar systemsidneys, muscular, skeletal, respiratory and glandular systems
3. Utkatasana - awkward pose (in three parts, see pics below)

- Improves overall body strength
- Opens pelvis
- Strengthens and tones leg muscles
- Relieves menstrual cramping
- Reduces fat pocket under buttocks
- Aligns skeletal system
- Good for arthritis conditions
- Good for digestion
- Relieves joint pain
- Relieves sciatica
- Improves flexibility in toes and ankles
- Exercises liver, intestines and pancreas
- Works into twelve major joints of the body
- Good for central nervous system
- Facilitates lymphatic function, improving immune system
- Improves mobility of hip joint
- Improves balance
- Strengthens legs
- Good for varicose veins

- Builds mental strength
- Improves concentration
- Unifies mind and body
- Uses all major muscle groups
- Exercises digestive and reproductive organs
- Good for diabetes
- Strengthens back muscles

6. Dandayamana-Dhanurasana - standing bow pulling pose

- Stimulates cardiovascular system
- Increases circulation to heart and lungs
- Opens diaphragm
- Opens shoulder joint
- Helps frozen shoulder conditions
- Improves spine elasticity
- Improves strength and balance
- Reduces abdominal fat
- Helps regulate ovaries and prostate gland

- Increases cardiovascular circulation, especially to the heart vessels
- May help clear blocked arteries
- May help prevent future cardiac problems
- Creates a total spine stretch. Relieves stress from spine
- Good for varicose veins
- Builds strength in legs
- Exercises pancreas, spleen, liver, nervous and circulatory system

- Increases circulation to the brain and adrenal glands
- Centers nervous system
- May be good for depression
- Good for constipation
- Helps reduce abdominal obesity
- Helps with diabetes and hyperacidity
- Releases lower back
- Exercises muscular, adrenal and reproductive systems

- An excellent cardiovascular workout
- Intensely stretches each side of the body
- Opens and increases flexibility of hip joints
- Reduces saddle bags
- Good for kidney, thyroid and adrenal glands
- Opens shoulder joint, good for frozen shoulder
- Strengthens and tones legs and buttocks
- Helps regulate hormone levels
- Works all muscular groups simultaneously
- Helps conditions of constipation, colitis, low blood pressure, appendicitis, spondylitis, menstrual disorders

- May be good for depression and memory loss
- Reduces abdominal obesity
- Good for diabetic conditions
- Balances blood sugar levels
- Assists in regulating pancreas and kidneys
- Works endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems

11. Tadasana - tree pose
- Assists in correcting bad posture
- Increases hip and knee flexibility and mobility
- Stretches spine
- Releases abdominal tension
- Relieves lower back pain
- Tightens gluteal muscles
- Good for circulatory problems, arthritis and rheumatism
12. Padangustasana - toe stand
- Creates balance and focus in body and mind
- Strengthens stomach muscles
- Strengthens joints (hips, knees, ankles, toes)
- Helps relieve arthritis in all leg joints including hips
- Returns cardiovascular circulation to normal
- Slows heart rate, reduces blood pressure
- Teaches complete relaxation
- Stills and focuses the mind

- Massages ascending, descending and transverse colon
- Regulates and normalizes hydrochloric acid levels in stomach
- Improves and may cure conditions of constipation, flatulence and hyperacidity
- Relieves lower back pain
- Improves flexibility of the hip joints
- Firms and tones muscles of the abdominal wall, thighs and hips
- Increases peristalsis in the gut
- Strengthens and tightens the abdomen
- Open mouth exhalation stimulates diaphragm and eliminates toxins from lungs

16. Bhujangasana - cobra pose
- The arching of the spine increases flexibility and strength
- Rejuvenates spinal nerves enriching them with a rich blood supply
- Improves flexibility and tone of spinal muscles, massages, works and tones back muscles
- Helps relieve and prevent lower backache
- Helps cure or relieve lumbago, rheumatism, arthritis and menstrual problems
- Helps cure loss of appetite
- Stretches the thoracic region and expands the rib cage bringing relief from asthma
- Gentle pressure on the abdomen massages all organs and improves their function
- Strengthens deltoids, trapezius and triceps
- Compresses and opens spine
- Relieves cervical spondylosis
- Improves concentration
- Helps to relieve many utero-ovarine and menstrual problems

- Same benefits as cobra pose and even more effective in helping conditions of slipped disc and sciatica
- Firms buttocks and hips
- Increases spinal strength, flexibility and circulation
- Improves flexibility and tone of spinal muscles
- Helps relieve and prevent backache
- Helps cure or relieve lumbago, rheumatism, arthritis and menstrual problems
- Helps cure loss of appetite
- Improves sluggish digestion
- Increases abdominal pressure and regulates intestinal function
- Strengthens the abdominal wall
- Helps correct bad posture
- Improves function of liver and spleen
- Strengthens shoulder, arm and back muscles
- Compresses and opens spine
- Relieves cervical spondylosis and back pain
- Encourages concentration and perseverance
- Firms muscles of the abdomen, upper arms, hips and thighs
- Increases spinal strength and flexibility
- Improves flexibility and tone of spinal muscles
- Helps relieve and prevent lower backache
- Helps cure or relieve lumbago, rheumatism, arthritis and menstrual problems. Helps cure loss of appetite
- Helps correct bad posture
- Improves function of liver and spleen
- Strengthens deltoids, trapezius and triceps
- Compresses and opens spine
- Relieves cervical spondylosis

- Increases circulation to heart and lungs, improves oxygen intake
- Opens diaphragm and expands the chest region - improves respiratory conditions
- Opens shoulder joint and helps frozen shoulder conditions
- Increases spinal strength and flexibility and tone of spinal muscles
- Revitalizes spinal nerves by increasing circulation to the spine
- Strengthens, compresses and opens lower, mid and upper spine
- Improves strength and balance. Reduces abdominal fat and strengthens abdominal muscles
- Helps regulate ovaries and prostate gland
- Helps cure or relieve lumbago, rheumatism, arthritis and menstrual problems
- Improves digestion
- Helps correct bad posture
- Strengthens concentration and mental determination
- Develops internal balance and harmony
- Improves function of kidneys, liver and spleen
- Strengthens deltoids, trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi and triceps
- Relieves cervical spondylosis

- Helps conditions of sciatica, gout, varicose veins and rheumatism in the legs
- Slims and tones thighs, firms calf muscles and strengthens the abdomen
- Strengthens and improves flexibility of lower spine, knees and ankle joints
- Lubricates and increases circulation to joints
- Strengthens and lengthens abdominal muscles
- Creates a great stretch into hip joints and diaphragm
- Relieves lower back pain

- A rejuvenation pose providing maximum relaxation
- Assists in relieving digestion problems and constipation
- Stretches lower part of the lungs, increases lung capacity
- Excellent for respiratory conditions
- Increases circulation to the brain
- Firms the abdomen and thighs
- Increases flexibility of hip joints
- Improves mobility of shoulder girdle and associated muscles (scapula, deltoids, triceps, latissimus dorsi)
- Relieves stress and migraines
- Helps with insomnia
- Increases flexibility in hips
- Compresses spine, relieving back problems
- Opens rib cage, lungs and digestive system
- Stimulates nervous system
- Great for lungs and many bronchial problems
- Strengthens back and shoulder muscles
- Improves flexion of neck
- Stretches throat
- Flushes fresh blood through kidneys
- Helps eliminate toxins

- Provides maximum longitudinal extension of the spine
- Stretches the spine to increase proper nutrition to the nervous system
- Improves the mobility and elasticity of the spine and back muscles
- Stimulates thyroid and parathyroid glands through compression, helps balance and regulate metabolism
- Balances hormones
- Improves flexibility of scapula and trapezius
- Improves digestion, glandular problems and helps improve conditions of the sinus, common cold and chronic tonsillitis
- Helps insomnia, depression

- Head to knee pose helps balance blood sugar levels and the metabolism
- Improves flexibility of sciatic nerve and ankle, knee and hip joints
- Enhances kidney function
- The intense stretching pose increases circulation to liver, spleen and pancreas
- Stimulates thymus gland, digestion and immune system
- Increases flexibility of the trapezius, deltoid, erectus femoris and biceps muscles, sciatic nerve and last five vertebrae of the spine
- Stretches and strengthens pelvic girdle, hip joints, shoulder joints and spine
- Powerfully massages all the abdominal organs
- Stimulates and tones the digestive organs, increases peristalsis, relieves constipation and other problems
- Regulates function of the pancreas, assisting those with diabetes or hypoglycemia
- Mobilizes joints and increases elasticity in the lumbar spine
- Relieves compression of the spine and sciatica
- Strengthens and stretches the hamstrings
- Improves concentration and mental endurance

- Compresses and stretches spine from the bottom to the top
- Increases hip and back flexibility
- Improves digestion
- Firms the buttocks, thighs and abdomen
- Improves elasticity, flexibility, circulation and nutrition to spinal nerves, vessels and tissues
- Increases synovial fluid of the joints
- Removes adhesions in the joints caused by rheumatism
- Tones the roots of the spinal nerves and sympathetic nervous system
- Detoxifying
- Opens bronchial muscles and rib cage
- Helps prevent slipped disc
- Relieves lower back pain
- Helps sciatica and arthritis of the knee
- Massages kidneys, liver, gall bladder, spleen and bowels

- Detoxifies and cleanses body by removing stale air and toxins from lungs
- Brings mental clarity
- Strengthens abdominal organs and wall
- Normalizes bowels
- Energizes body
- Improves oxygenation to the body
- Improves cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Good for high blood pressure
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Bikram Yoga - Day 2
Even with sore muscles, I forced myself to go to my yoga class last night. They say I should follow it up with another session immediately to get rid of the pain. That's just what I did and they were right! =) The pain is gone.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
As soon as I got home and had an early dinner after my first Bikram Yoga session yesterday, I felt so restless. The bed looked so inviting and I slept. I felt so tired. When I woke up this morning, my body was in pain. My muscles were aching all over and I had fever.
I just thought to myself, "it must be working then."
I just thought to myself, "it must be working then."
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Bikram Yoga - Day 1
I signed up for a seven-day unlimited trial session of Bikram Yoga in Bikram Yoga Greenhills. Bikram Yoga is a challenging series of 26 postures done in a heated room over a 90-minute period. The series is designed to provide a comprehensive workout that increases the body's strength, balance, and flexibility. It is done in a hot room to make the muscles more pliable, allowing a safer stretch during class.
I contemplated which of the two studios here in Manila I should attend classes to, Makati or Greenhills. I chose the latter because it is cheaper. I arrived almost an hour earlier. It was a relief that there were two newbies like me during our class. They were both friendly. Actually almost everyone in the studio is friendly - from the staff to the instructors to the "yogis". I like the atmosphere. I wasn't able to religiously follow the positions correctly but I am so happy I survived my first day! I was sweating like I've never sweat before! I'm glad too that finally I was able to use my five year old, never used yoga mat. I bought this when I enrolled in a yoga class somewhere in 6750 Ayala several years ago. I never attended a single class.:D That is so me. I wish this time it will be different.
I contemplated which of the two studios here in Manila I should attend classes to, Makati or Greenhills. I chose the latter because it is cheaper. I arrived almost an hour earlier. It was a relief that there were two newbies like me during our class. They were both friendly. Actually almost everyone in the studio is friendly - from the staff to the instructors to the "yogis". I like the atmosphere. I wasn't able to religiously follow the positions correctly but I am so happy I survived my first day! I was sweating like I've never sweat before! I'm glad too that finally I was able to use my five year old, never used yoga mat. I bought this when I enrolled in a yoga class somewhere in 6750 Ayala several years ago. I never attended a single class.:D That is so me. I wish this time it will be different.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
To Whom It May Concern
To Whom It May Concern:
You try hard to bring out the bitch in me. You try to make it appear as though I'm stupid and a good for nothing bitch. From this day forward, I will be your bitch-slave. You order, I deliver.
I will rattle your cage like I've never rattled anyone's cage before.
You try hard to bring out the bitch in me. You try to make it appear as though I'm stupid and a good for nothing bitch. From this day forward, I will be your bitch-slave. You order, I deliver.
I will rattle your cage like I've never rattled anyone's cage before.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
I Can Hardly Wait!!!
"After years of living in the city
I assumed that if my friends and I ever
got our fairy tale endings
that would be the end of the story.
But real life - always has a twist."
I assumed that if my friends and I ever
got our fairy tale endings
that would be the end of the story.
But real life - always has a twist."
- Carrie Bradshaw
"Year after year, twenty-something women
come to New York City in search of
the two "L"s: labels and love.
Twenty years ago, I was one of them.
Having gotten the knack for labels early...
I concentrated on love."
come to New York City in search of
the two "L"s: labels and love.
Twenty years ago, I was one of them.
Having gotten the knack for labels early...
I concentrated on love."
- Carrie Bradshaw
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