Monday morning. I arrived in the office at 8:30am and found this on my table:
This is the pair that's on sale that I ordered from LoveShoe last Friday. Apparently, it arrived the next day. I tried it on as soon as I opened the box. It's a little big but I can make do with it and the fact is I love it and it felt so comfy. I opened her site again and found out that she will no longer be selling. That's just so sad. Still, I'm happy I got a pair from her.
After a couple of hours, the delivery guy came with my O magazine. I thought I won't be receiving this anymore since I didn't get my July issue. Thank God, it arrived. I can't wait to read it.
And then, as I was browsing thru Flickr, I saw really beautiful photos that were uploaded and I found out that they are LOMO photos. Here are some of the ones I marked as favorite. I hope they don't mind that I posted them here:
- bangkokbeat's Color of the road
- the other martin tenbones' Takarazuka, Japan
- slavatoria's Lomo Fisheye_Darling Harbour
- stitch's water lilies
- cafolla's us
Yes, it is lomography. It started being a hype in the '90s and still has a lot of following to this day. I remember seeing lomo shots before but I never took it to the next level. But now, I think I want to give it a try. Now I regret not taking my Photography class seriously.
After work, I had dinner with Joy at Avenetto and had these:
I wish all Mondays are like this.
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